March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

Good evening Crosstown Church;

These are very interesting days we’re living in!  With much noticeable fear and worry gripping our world over the coronavirus, and understandably so, I am reminded that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.”  (2 Timothy 1:7) 

While taking the coronavirus seriously, and after reviewing all the information provided to us by health officials, our President, other political leaders, as well as, fellow pastors in our region, Crosstown Church is planning to offer the regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship service at 10:00 a.m. 

As pastor, I consulted with a number of our church’s leaders to seek their advice.  All recommended we proceed with our normal worship service with appropriate restraints in the manner in which we greet one another, etc.  

Because we value the Bible’s instruction to gather together as God’s people, we will do so, but exercise an abundance of caution. It is important to note that we are staying within the parameters set forth by Governor Gavin Newsome and the California Department of Public Health.  

Additionally, we have been in contact with the Palm Garden Hotel where this Sunday’s worship service will be held.  They have accommodated all the requests we have asked for.  They, as much as us, desire to have a safe environment in which to meet.

While so many in society are in a panic, let’s show the world the peace of God that keeps us calm in these chaotic times.   

As I was talking and meditating with the Lord today, I asked Him to prompt me in my responses as person, a family man, and as a pastor.  Here are five choices I am making.  I will . . . 

Choose loving friendliness over impersonal disconnection

Choose genuine peace over panic

Choose wisdom over excessive overreaction

Choose confident faith over fear

Choose God-honoring prayer and thankfulness over complaint and worry

I hope you will join me in making these choices.  We will have a great time together this Sunday.  In the event that you missed the information regarding the location of our 10:00 a.m. worship service and brunch this week, here it is:            

Palm Garden Hotel

495 North Ventu Park Road

Newbury Park, CA 

It’s great to have a personal relationship with God in these tumultuous times!  I love you!

Pastor John

PS:  It goes without saying, but . . . if you are sick or have been exposed to the coronavirus, please remain home.  Just let me know at