May 1, 2020

Good evening one and all!


Have you ever heard, “April showers bring May flowers?”  That’s sure true this year.  Our dry, sun-parched Southern California terrain has received more rain in April than normal, and we have been rewarded. This year there are more wildflowers than in the open spaces and the poppy fields in the Antelope Valley are especially vibrant with their golden-orange sheen which is even visible from space. How cool is that?


I write about this because, even in this frustrating, coronavirus, lockdown time, we can stop and smell the roses, or the poppies . . . sorry, poppies really don’t have a scent. But you get what I mean.  In other words , we have so much to be thankful for! 


Throughout the Psalms we are encouraged to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.”  You might like to check out Psalm 136 which records many blessings God has done for His people. 

There is so much to be grateful for!  


Consider practicing gratitude as a daily discipline. You will find it vastly rewarding to your spiritual and emotion health. Even writing a thank you note to someone who has been a blessing in your life, when they don’t expect it, may be a double benefit . . . to them and to you! 


Here are a couple of reminders as we move forward as a church:  First, this Sunday’s service will include the Lord’s Table (communion). 


·        Pray for Sunday’s Online Church Service. Let’s maximize our togetherness by being together at 10 a.m. online and in one accord. 

·        Prepare beforehand for having Holy Communion together. Get your grape juice (or red wine) with a cracker or piece of bread ready before you tune in. Have it ready so we can partake together!

·        If you have prayer concerns, please send me a note at  I update my prayer list every week.  Also, l love to get notes of answers to prayer.

·        If you would like a member of our prayer team to call you, let me know. participate.  I’m praying for you!


Are you tired of physical distancing?  You are not alone.  By practicing daily gratitude you will elevate your attitude and energize you to keep going!  I sure has me!


Pastor John